First Day in 7A

First Day in 7A

Friday, April 25, 2014


"The Doctors"
Dear Parents,
This week we performed surgery in class on words to create new words called contractions!  Be sure to ask your young” Doctor” about his/her word.
We are still working on words with the –er- sound like in hurt and fir.  Next week we will learn about –ar- words like car. We will be reading many short stories and even bringing home some books with the –ar- sound.
Please be sure your child continues to read every night so he/she can earn stickers. We are on our way to a big party as soon as the entire class has read 50 books. I will continue to send books home for your child to read with you.
Thank you for your continued support.

Calvert News April 25


Dear Parents,

Here is what we did this week for Earth Week…

Tues, 4/22      No Print Tuesday

Wed, 4/23       One hour lights off… We had a terrific Trip to the Science Center

Thurs, 4/24     No Idle Carpool

Fri, 4/25          Get outside on Friday 

Important Dates…

          Mon, 4/28-Fri, 5/2     Scholastic Book Fair in the Lower School Library

                     Mon, 4/28      Earth Monday – Meatless Monday

          Thurs, 5/1       Gates testing please be sure your daughter has a healthy breakfast and is here on time!

          Fri, 5/2            Gates testing continues

                     Mon, 5/5        Dress Down Day for all ….Head Master for the day, Alex Nabit                       

                        Wed. May 7     7th Age Play 8:45am 

Mon, 5/12      Spirit Day Dress for Calvert Buddy Day 1:00-3:00 P.M. 

Sat. May 17     Calvert Day 

Fri. May 23      LS Track and Field Day 

Mon. May 26   No School Memorial Day 

Have a great weekend!,

Patty Pontier

Calvert School


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Earth Week

The Milkweed is Planted

The Sixth graders share their knowledge about rain barrels.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Reading Class Performs Surgery

Dr. Keegan

Dr. Ashby

Dr. William
Dr Bohlen
Dr. Sam

Dr. Winn
Dr. Matthew
Our Reading Class  Performs Surgery
Today in reading we helped some words contract!  It was not a painful surgery and all the words are doing well! The "Doctors" are proud of their work.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Yay, spring is here!!!  Recess without jackets feels SO good!  Earlier this week we took a nature walk over to Molly's Garden to observe signs of spring.  We worked with our friendship buddy to write an acrostic poem about our findings.  This brainstorming helped us write detailed, descriptive sentences in our composition!


A Look Ahead:

*Next week's spelling words are:

bring, brave, brother, break, swing, sweet, state, stick, stand, great, ground, grade

*We will finish our composition about spring next week.

*Our spelling test will be on THURSDAY.  No school Friday (4/18) and Monday (4/21).

*We will have a dress down day on THURSDAY, April 17th.  No theme...just dress down :)

Mark Your Calendars:

*Play practice has begun!  Please continue to practice lines every night.  Costumes are due TUESDAY, April 22nd. We would like to have lines memorized by Wednesday April 16.

*Our field trip to the science center is on WEDNESDAY, April 23rd.  If you would like to chaperon, please send in $6.75 by MONDAY, April 14th.

As you may have heard, earlier this week I was away at a teacher conference presenting on our beautiful Monarch butterflies with Ms. D’Andrea.  We spoke with fellow teachers that are so excited to incorporate the Monarch into their curriculum.  We have been noticing Monarchs everywhere recently, even in Anthropologie's store window:  The Making of the Monarch Windowscape

When I stumbled across this video I also noticed that the Anthropologie store at Towson Town will be hosting a "Children's Butterfly Crafts" event on Saturday, April 26th, from 11-1pm.  Call the store to RSVP for this event- (410) 828-5521  I hope you can check it!

Enjoy the beautiful weekend!



Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Lego Club members built airplanes. some were even equipped with seat belts.