First Day in 7A

First Day in 7A

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our Newest Butterfly

September 26, 2013
The 7th Age welcomes our newest butterfly!  He (yes another boy!) arrived this morning at 7:45.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Release of the Monarch


The Second Monarch is Off!!!

Our Second Monarch has left Calvert for Mexico today.  It was our second boy and his name is Tiger. We are still waiting for two more which are in their chrysalis'.  We were fortunate to be able to watch Tiger as he emerged from his chrysalis on Friday afternoon. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

News from 7-A

Good afternoon Parents! 

I am sending my blast today because I wanted to remind you all that TOMORROW is SPIRIT DAY at Calvert. We are encouraging all to wear Gold and black and jeans are permitted!  

The 7th Agers are proud new parents of a baby boy monarch butterfly. The girls voted on a name and C.S. won. We released him this afternoon! The reaction from the children today was absolutely priceless. I wish I had had a video camera rolling. 

Next Friday, September 27th is PICTURE DAY. Please return your order forms to me if you haven’t already. 

We are having our first field trip to Irvine Nature Center on Tuesday, October 8th. We will be leaving here at about 11:30 and arriving home about 2:45.  There are only TWO chaperones needed for this trip and Carter Sieck will make those arrangements.

We have learned two letters thus far in Calvert script…”I” and “o”. The girls have completed their very first Calvert script folder paper and they all did a beautiful job! 

Next Tuesday, we are having an assembly called “Music with Milkshake. There will be an acoustic guitar player and a vocalist. Should be a wonderful assembly!  

Be sure to check out the blog for all the current pictures of the butterfly!! 

Patty Pontier
Calvert School


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sept. 18, 2013

The Monarch is getting ready to emerge!  We expect to have a butterfly today or tomorrow. The girls are so excited!  Stay tuned to learn about the release!

Friday, September 13, 2013

News from 7-A

                   News from 7-A 

Dear Parents,

Our first 5 day week has come to an end!  The girls have been working hard and having fun too!  We began our handwriting this week and they were so excited to have started to learn Calvert Script.

Our butterflies continue to develop with our special care; we now have all chrysalis’!  We think we may have some butterflies next week. Check out the video to see how they have been developing.

Sept. 20 - Spirit Day

Sept. 27-Picture Day

Have a great weekend!

Patty Pontier

Calvert School


The Monarch Story

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Our First Mystery Reader


Our First Mystery Reader

The girls were so excited to meet our first mystery reader.  Some were successful in guessing the identity of the reader from the clues that were given.  It was definitely the highlight of our day!We look forward to all our special readers!

Friday, September 6, 2013


News from 7-A

Dear Parents,

     We have had another great week at Calvert!  We have been watching our monarchs develop; boy do they eat a lot of milkweed! We now have 2 chrysalises and 2 caterpillars.  We are wondering where the gold comes from on the chrysalis. Maybe our answer is in one of our books.

We hope to begin with our reading and math groups next week. Here are some important dates;

Sept. 10th Assembly

Sept. 20 Calvert Spirit Day- dress down day, wear            Calvert colors

Sept. 24 Assembly

Sept 27 Picture Day


Thank you for attending our back to school night. Have a great weekend.

Patty Pontier